Manifest Generator

In the rave chart of the Manifesting Generator, the Sacral Center is always defined, and one of its motors always has a direct connection to the Throat. This configuration of Centers and Channels makes the structure of your aura "soft" and enveloping other people when they are near you.
Manifest Generator
Type prevalence:
32% of the total population of the Earth
Role and Tasks in Society:
Invest energy in processes, acting from Response
Structure of your Aura:
Open and enveloping, attracts other people
Exceptional Gift:
Hard work, endurance and boundless enthusiasm
Reason for Resistance:
Attempts to initiate and invest energy from the mind
Markers of «Not-Self»:
Frustration, disappointment with the result of their actions
Wisdom Strategy:
Waiting for an external request to receive a Response
Award for Strategy:
Feelings of satisfaction for the efforts made
Correct M. Generators
  • Hooked
  • Hardworking
  • Energetic
  • Productive
  • Incredibly effective
Not-Self M. Generators
  • Disappointed
  • Scattered
  • Overstrained
  • Physically worn out
  • Hyperactive

The “False Self” is a negative feeling (emotional state) or physical sensation that occurs every time you ignore your mechanics. When the Manifest Generator is acting incorrectly, it can experience frustration and anger at the same time. These feelings are the result of your attempts to invest energy in processes for which you have not received a positive Response from your Sacral.

Your actions, which were dictated by the mind, will almost always lead you to incorrect results, causing a feeling of deep regret for wasted time and effort. At some point, you may even get the feeling that you are not living your life.

The Manifest Generator's strategy is to patiently wait for an external request to which it can respond. This is the only way you can get full access to the energy of your Sacral Center. And the sound of the Response you utter ("Aha", "Uh-huh" or "Nope ...") will always tell you what the result of your efforts will be.

Try to stop initiating processes and switch your life to patiently waiting for a request. Your Aura, like a magnet, will itself attract the right people and the right questions. Once you get a positive response, you can jump right into action. The presence of the Manifesting aspect (the channel between the Throat and the Motor) in your energetic mechanics makes it possible to obtain the necessary clarity, already being immersed in the process itself.

Experimenting with living your Design will help the Manifesting Generator get rid of unnecessary haste and learn how to properly use the mechanism for accessing the energy of his Sacral. As a reward, you will receive a deep sense of satisfaction from your own Life and from any external process in which you invest your time, strength and your Energy.

Famous People with M. Generator Energy Mechanics:
Gabriel Garcia
Victor Tsoi
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Actor, Politician
Mother Teresa
Spiritual Leader
Bruce Lee
Actor, sportsman
Angelina Jolie